Shoah Project

We had the visit of members of the Shoah Project. They were invited to talk about the Shoah in the context of a coexistence project we have been working on with professors Natalia Rodríguez (Social and Civic Education) and Lucía Cruz (History). We focused on learning, understanding and promoting respect and tolerance, to eradicate bullying.
We thank the Shoah Project for their visit and their commitment to preserve historical memory and peaceful coexistence.

Al film y al Cabo

3rd grade students went to “Al Film y al Cabo”. (*) This is an interdisciplinary audiovisual project in which the students will register their visit to Laguna Garzón, El Valle de la Luna and Cabo Polonia, located in Rocha.

(*) “Al fin y al cabo” is a saying meaning “in the end, after all”. In this case it is used as a play on words between the students’ filming activity and the place it took place: Cabo Polonio (Cape Polonio).

Our chess players!

On October 5th, a group of our students who play chess
participated in the second chess tournament organized by the Secondary Central Library and UTU’s Antonio Peña library, with the support of the Uruguayan Chess Federation.

They went with our Principal, Ernesto Egaña and our librarian Alvaro Domanda. Our students achieved an outstanding performance.