3rd grade camp

Our 3rd grade students went camping to La Tuna seaside resort in Canelones. The weather couldn’t have been better, so they enjoyed all the activities planned by the teachers. A wonderful experience of integration between students and adults who accompanied them.

Biology class for our future students

We invited  the students that will start first grade next year to our Biology Lab. They toured the lab and got acquainted with some of its procedures. They worked with Biology Prof. Alejandra Guerra in an activity based on the recognition of different animals, their characteristics and adaptations. They also had a first contact with the lab’s materials and instruments of microscopic observation.

Daniel Baldi at Espigas

On October 4th, Daniel Baldi visited Liceo Espigas and gave a speech to  2nd grade students. He spoke about his life experience while trying to make a living through his two dreams and passions: to be a football player and children’s literature writer. He told us how he enjoyed the process, how much effort it required and that, in some cases, he had to suffer to achieve his goals.

The students really enjoyed this enriching exchange. Afterwards,  they had the chance to ask questions which showed the great motivation and curiosity the subject generated in them.